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When it comes to HTML/XHTML design, this is a go-to site! I uploaded the image you see in the background of this site and BigHugeLabs generated a scheme of colors for me that perfectly matched my Vera Bradley flower.

Professor Moore's Website has been extremely useful throughout the course of the semester. She has links to helpful websites as well as powerpoints that can be easily downloaded for step-by-step instruction in InDesign, Photoshop and HTML/XHTML.

All of the nuances of Photoshop can be daunting for a beginner. (What is a layer anyway?!) EliteByDesign provides a week-long lesson plan that will put any novice at ease.

This site is a great starting point for someone just beginning to learn the in's and out's of XHTML. It provides extensive coverage of the basics and then moves on to more complex coding.